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MixBag: Bag-Level Data Augumentation for Leaning from Label Proportions
Takanori Asanomi, Shinosuke Matsuo, Daiki Suehiro, Ryoma Bise.
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023
Multi-Frame Attention with Feature-Level Warping for Drone Crowd Tracking
Takanori Asanomi, Kazuya Nishimura, Ryoma Bise.
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023(Oral)
Unsupervised Deep Robust Non-Rigid Alignment by Low-Rank Loss and Multi-Input Attention
Takanori Asanomi, Kazuya Nishimura, Heon Song, et al.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2022
Takanori Asanomi, Shinnosuke Matsuo, Daiki Suehiro, Ryoma Bise.
画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU) 2023(Long Oral) [Acceptance rate: 16%]
Deep Non-Rigid Registration for Noisy-and-Corrupted Images
Takanori Asanomi, Kazuya Nishimura, Heon Song, et al.
画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU) 2022(Oral)
Takanori Asanomi, Kazuya Nishimura, Junya Hayashida, et al.
画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU) 2022(Oral)
Takanori Asanomi, Kazuya Nishimura, Ryoma Bise.
電子情報通信学会 パターン認識・メディア理解研究会 (PRMU) 2022
Takanori Asanomi, Kazuya Nishimura, Heon Song, et al.
電子情報通信学会 パターン認識・メディア理解研究会 (PRMU) 2021